Support Indivisible SPGM
Your donations make a difference.
At Indivisible Saint Peter/Greater Mankato, we have some big plans: advocating for issues with representatives, building relationships with outlying communities, and deepening ties to local groups here in our Congressional District.
If this group has made you feel more connected, more aware, and more empowered to participate in civic action whenever and wherever you can, please consider donating to our cause so that we can continue to do this invaluable work. Everyone involved in our effort is a volunteer and has donated not only hours of their time and energy but many of their own dollars toward enabling us to do everything that we do.
Funds will primarily be used for printing voter guides, demonstration supplies, and expenses directly related to our work. They will not be used for personal use or to donate to campaigns. If we all pitch in what we can just once a year, we'll be able to accomplish a lot more for many years to come.